Quotes Zeus

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Quotes Zeus
< Zeus
  1. Quote 26: 'Stranger, there is no quirk or evil in you that I can see. You know Zeus metes out fortune to good and bad men as it pleases him. Hardship he sent to you, and you must bear it.
  2. Zeus 'Goodness, Nephew, that's an offering, indeed! I'm thankful for your piety to me, and as a show of generosity to you, in turn, I present this!' Zagreus 'My thanks, Lord Uncle Zeus.' Gifting Nectar (2) Zagreus 'I thank you, my Lord Uncle Zeus, for your benevolence and your thunderous might.'

Slot machine games near me. Us f4 racing. This page details Zeus' quotes. Warning for SPOILERS.

Zeus, the father of the Olympic Gods, turned mid-day into night, hiding the light of the dazzling Sun; and sore fear came upon men. Blood Of Zeus is now available on Netflix and is worth watching for MANY reasons, one of which is the incredible quotes. Blood Of Zeus is something you are sure to love if you like anime, Lord Of The Rings, Game Of Thrones, or Greek Mythology. View the latest Olympic Steel Inc. (ZEUS) stock price, news, historical charts, analyst ratings and financial information from WSJ.

Zeus Quotes Dota 2

Quotes Zeus
< Zeus
  1. Quote 26: 'Stranger, there is no quirk or evil in you that I can see. You know Zeus metes out fortune to good and bad men as it pleases him. Hardship he sent to you, and you must bear it.
  2. Zeus 'Goodness, Nephew, that's an offering, indeed! I'm thankful for your piety to me, and as a show of generosity to you, in turn, I present this!' Zagreus 'My thanks, Lord Uncle Zeus.' Gifting Nectar (2) Zagreus 'I thank you, my Lord Uncle Zeus, for your benevolence and your thunderous might.'

Slot machine games near me. Us f4 racing. This page details Zeus' quotes. Warning for SPOILERS.

Zeus, the father of the Olympic Gods, turned mid-day into night, hiding the light of the dazzling Sun; and sore fear came upon men. Blood Of Zeus is now available on Netflix and is worth watching for MANY reasons, one of which is the incredible quotes. Blood Of Zeus is something you are sure to love if you like anime, Lord Of The Rings, Game Of Thrones, or Greek Mythology. View the latest Olympic Steel Inc. (ZEUS) stock price, news, historical charts, analyst ratings and financial information from WSJ.

Zeus Quotes Dota 2

First Meeting
Zagreus'Thunder. Is that..?'
Zagreus'Is this really him? OK. In the name of Hades! Olympus! I accept this message.'
Zeus'Greetings there, young man. Look, your father's always been rather difficult, and he's not so much as called in quite some time. You'll have a better home where you belong, here on Olympus! And to help you on your journey, have my blessing.'
Zagreus'Lord Uncle Zeus lending his support..I never thought I'd see the day. Or night. Whenever.'
Duo - Zeus and Poseidon
Poseidon'Now, little Hades, you have met my brother Zeus! He's sometimes known as the king of all the gods! Although, in many ways, he's not as powerful as I! Nor anywhere near as dashing. Why, I, oop--!'
Zeus'Now, Brother, you know better than to say such things about me, I should think! I know that tact does not come easily to you, though I'd be careful what you say to our good nephew there.'
Poseidon'Erm, anyway, as I was saying, little Hades! Brother Zeus is king of all the gods! And the most dashing, powerful, and--hey, let's face it--godliest of all!'
Duo - Zeus and Ares
Zeus'Nephew! By my divine authority, my oft-misunderstood son, Ares, now shall lend you a small token of his power. I'll make him helpful yet!'
Ares'It shall be exactly as you say, Lord Father. Your wishes are identical to mine.'
Duo - Zeus and Dionysus
Dionysus'Hey Zag, my Dad, he's here and wants to have a word, be cool man, go along with what he says, OK?'
Zeus'That Dionysus, always much too kind with introductions, though at least he shows me suitable respect. Perhaps someday he can instruct you in the customs of Olympus here.'
Gifting Nectar (1)
Zagreus'Lord Zeus, erm, Uncle, please, accept this offering, and all my gratitude.'
Zeus'Goodness, Nephew, that's an offering, indeed! I'm thankful for your piety to me, and as a show of generosity to you, in turn, I present this!'
Zagreus'My thanks, Lord Uncle Zeus.'
Gifting Nectar (2)
Zagreus'I thank you, my Lord Uncle Zeus, for your benevolence and your thunderous might.'
Zeus'You honor me, young man, as well you should, for I am ruler of Olympus, am I not? Such courtesies are shown me constantly, yet I appreciate them all.'
Gifting Nectar (3)
Zagreus'Lord Zeus, I bid you please accept my humble offering, for all you've done for me.'
Zeus'Why that is rather generous of you, and I am grateful for it, Nephew! How good of you to make attempts at reciprocity!'
Gifting Nectar (4)
Zagreus'This offering is but a trifle, Uncle Zeus, for all your magnanimity.'
Zeus'So fine a gift again, my dear Nephew? Would that my sons and daughters on Olympus here would show me such respect from time to time!'
Boon Bought From Charon
'Why here I am, young man, in such strange circumstances I might add! Luckily the boatman Charon is much easier to get ahold of than your father!'
'I see the boatman of the Underworld has found the means to reach you with my blessing, Nephew. Such strange alliances we forge these days!'
Low Health
'Why you look positively dreadful, Zagreus, that place is doing you no favors I can tell! Luckily I'll do you favors aplenty!'
'You seem in dire need of some assistance, Nephew, so of course I dropped what I was doing and then sought you out as quickly as I could!'
Wielding Aegis
'That shield of yours, called Aegis, why, in fact, it's mine from long ago, young man! I've no more need of it, of course, though how you found it, you shall have to tell me once you're here!'
Wielding Aegis Aspect Of Zeus
'Ah, now that's the Aegis that I know and love! Or used to love, at least, the dear old thing! Now I quite love these shocking bolts of mine. Though I am proud you've given Aegis a good home, and bear it in my name!
Wielding Coronacht
'It seems the bow called Coronacht is safe and sound there in your hands, young man. I've not seen that old thing in quite some time!'
Wielding Varatha
'You fight your father's legions with Varatha, the Eternal Spear? The irony must not escape him, for he long ago stood by my side against the Titans, with that thing in hand!'
Trial of the Gods - Displeased
'What have I done, good Nephew, to deserve such scorn? Your lapse in judgment here is not so easy to forgive, yet easily punished.'
'It isn't wise to go against me, Nephew, both in matters large and small. I am not known for being charitable to the insolent.'
'Perhaps you have defied me here in jest, young man, though in such cases pertinent to my authority, you'll find I lack a sense of humor.'
'My blessing isn't good enough for you, is that the way of it, young man? How impetuous of you. Oh, I never!'
'Audacity runs in our family, Zagreus, but my advice to you is that you keep it carefully suppressed in your relationship with me.'
'Your father likewise turned his back on me before, Nephew, and we both know what has become of him. I'd caution you against this.'
Trial of the Gods - Complete
'Commendable of you to live through that, and I suspect you shall think twice next time before so brazenly defying me, won't you?'
'Now, now, no need to hold such grudges any longer I suppose, but you just mind yourself around your Uncle Zeus.'
'Oh Nephew but I simply can't stay wrathful toward you, much as I might try! Though better not to tempt me, just in case.'
'All right, all right, let's call the score between us settled up for now. Just don't go spurning me again, you understand?'
'Ah very well, good show, young man, and I think I shall let you off the hook, and take you back under my wing for now.'
'Do not spurn me again like that, do you hear me, young man? I think you do, so let's put this to bed and move along.'
On Dionysus
'It pleases me to know, young man, that you and Dionysus have been getting on so well. He could use a level-headed friend, and you could use my blessing!'
On Poseidon
'Poseidon sought you out already, hm? My boastful brother gets on with Lord Hades even worse than I, so let me put a little spark into his storms for you!'
On Athena
'My brave daughter Athena beat me to you this time, has she? No matter, with her blessing and my own, you shall be nigh unstoppable!'
On Aphrodite
'Has lovely Aphrodite put you in a trance already, Zagreus, or might I offer you the blessing of Olympus to intensify her catastrophic power with my own?'
On Ares
'Getting along with Ares, are you, Nephew? Would that you were my son instead of he, but no, I jest, I jest, here, take my blessing, please!'
On Artemis
'So my elusive Artemis has shown you favor, has she? The little scamp, she seldom shows respect to anyone, not even me! But I'll enhance her blessing nonetheless.'
On Nyx
'So you are son to Hades by that Nyx, the night goddess, is that correct, Nephew..? Well I suppose she's the closest to a queen as your lord father's like to find down there. I tried to match him up with some more wholesome types, but no, and here we are.'
On Hades
'Your father must have told you that his governance over the Underworld is due more to the weaving of the Fates than by his choice. Admittedly, he got the short end of the stick. Whereas Poseidon and myself, why, we've been doing rather well indeed.'
Upon Greater Call
'That can be arranged.'
'Olympus smite you!'
'Easily achieved.'
'Hoh, you watch this, young man!'

Quotes About Respect And Love Dr. Zeus

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